Friday, February 8, 2008

Training Run 2-8-08

Had to haul myself off the couch tonight...brought home pizza and was starving when I got home, plus a very fussy baby...wanted to put down roots, but I knew I had to go out and run if I was going to run 5 on Sunday.

Decided to run my old 1/2-mile neighborhood loop, then try for the hilly run that Holly and I did 2 weeks ago.  It went pretty well, although I spent a lot of time hugging the curb (running against traffic, of course) because people were going a little fast through the neighborhood.

Running is so mental...the first 1/2-mile to mile is always so difficult for me...I have to practically tell myself out loud that I can do this, that I've run this distance before...and even then my body doesn't really believe it until about 1 1/2-2 miles.  I wonder how far I could run if I just kept believing I could keep running...?

Anyway, tonight's 3 1/2 miles was 42:42, with a really tough hill at the end.  I just imagined I was running up Heartbreak Hill in Boston =)


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