Friday, February 1, 2008

Training Run 2-1-08

It's February!!!!!

Alex was a great coach tonight...I had a long week at work and really didn't feel like running, a winter storm is coming through, the kids were off of school today, and I need to bake Allison's birthday cake tonight. But, as usual, once I was out, it was nice to have the time alone to re-focus my brain. Also, after last Sunday I know I need the conditioning.

It was cold but not as cold as I thought...still enough that I pushed my pace to finish sooner (and get back inside!!). I wasn't sure I could do the last mile of my planned three, but I knew it would bug me if I didn't. My challenging myself paid off...

3 miles, 36:36!!!!!!!!!!

So now I am inside tinting white pudding cake batter yellow, pink, and purple. Alex is at the store getting Gummi Savers to put on the finished cake as polka dots. Andrew is screaming and saying that it is time for him to cuddle with mommy and go to bed. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like quite a cake!!!

And a good run!!!

Love you, Mom