Thursday, January 8, 2009

NYR Day 4

Weight: 138.8 =)

2 miles, 24 minutes. Really hard tonight. Probably good that I have tomorrow off.

Fact of the day: one cooked egg white only has 17 calories!! Yum...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

NYR Day 3

Weight: 139.4, even though I peed before I weighed myself. =P

2 miles, 24 minutes. Noticeably easier than Days 1 and 2.

Tomorrow will be the last day at our gym this week. This weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) I will be in Hebron, KY at a business conference. Friday I won't get a chance to work out since we're driving down right after work, but I'm taking my gym bag (still prepacked with outfits for Thursday, Saturday and Sunday) and I WILL run Saturday and Sunday mornings at the hotel.

Today is also the first day that my calorie balance on shows that I burned more calories than I ate. I could have 200 calories worth of Pirouline cookies tonight...but I think I will abstain, and have an extra 200 calories of weight loss instead. =)

NYR Day 2

Weight: 139.0 (yay!)
2 miles, 24 minutes. Tough, but just a hair less tough than Day 1.

To-do list:

1. New running shoes for me
2. New running shoes for Alexander
3. Find 5K's to run with Alexander

A gal at work says there is a Springfield Track Club in the summers that I can get him into. Also, of course, we can run together outside...if I get faster by then!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy New Year!

Alternate title: REALITY CHECK.

I'm 32, will be 33 in a little under 3 months. Andrew was born almost 2 1/2 years ago. I still haven't lost the pregnancy weight - in fact, I think I've put on weight from the time he was born.

I did not obsess about what I was eating over the holidays, but promised myself that this year I would have a real new year's resolution. My goal weight: 110.

So, I went on a mini-shopping spree at Marshall's after Christmas, got a bunch of new workout clothes for under $50, and packed a bag with my running shoes and a week's worth of gym outfits. My plan is to head straight to the gym after work, so that kids/TV/food doesn't get me off track...5 days a week whenever possible.

Today is Day 1, and I weighed myself after getting changed into my workout clothes (clothed, but no shoes)...

139.4. =P

I ran 2 miles with the treadmill set to 12-minute pace. Running is HARD when you haven't done it for a while!! Especially when running next to a 14-year-old 80-pound cross-country chickie who has her treadmill set to an 8-minute mile (at least) and isn't breaking a sweat. I hate getting older....

Then I came home and ate dinner...a SMALL serving of leftover pasta from Buca ( and a small serving of scalloped potatoes.

I have been logging my eating and exercise on, and based on my calorie balance for the day I am done eating. Knew I should have done that third mile...but I wanted to make sure I still felt able to go BACK to the gym tomorrow.