Tuesday, November 13, 2007

10K Race 11-11-07

Wow...I've been really bad about posting. Of course, I've been pretty bad about sticking to a training schedule, too.

I drove to Columbus in 40-degree rainy weather, which turned to sleet at a couple points during the drive. I have to say one of the reasons I decided to still go do the race was just because I'd already paid the $25 entry fee.

I got to the race, waited around chatting with some other people - 3 guys and a girl. Why do people lie to perfect strangers about their projected pace?? Do I look like someone they need to fake out?? This girl was saying she was worried because she runs about a 13-minute mile...I was thinking "I run faster than a 13-minute mile...she's got to be kidding." Then at the start, she lined up with the 3 guys, who had all been talking about 8-9 minute miles. I wondered how soon it would be till I saw her drop back, or if she would try to stay with them. I wondered if she would run with me if she dropped back.

I never saw her. To the point that she had already left the race location by the time I finished. Some 13-minute mile.

Anyway, I lined up in the back of the 10K runners but in front of the 3K runners, where I belong. A few of the 3K runners were saying they were going to run the 10K but now had changed their minds due to the weather. I figured 3K was not worth $25, and if I was going to get cold and wet running I might as well set a new PR for distance. So I stuck with the 10K.

My goal time going in was 1 hour 15 minutes. I knew I could run faster than that, but I'd never run the distance before, so I figured that time would allow for if I ran out of gas and had to walk at the end. I hit the first mile marker at about 11:30, faster than I had expected, but I decided to just see how long I could maintain a faster pace...as I said to one of the Dublin police officers keeping traffic off the course, "It's too cold to run slow!"

The course would have been really pretty if the weather wasn't so bad. We ran through downtown Dublin with all the shops and past some of the big estate homes, and through the Midwestern Auto Group luxury car dealerships. However, the race promoters lie - they said this was a fast course, which I took to mean "flat". That course was NOT flat. I am so glad for all my hill training...I needed all of it.

However, it still was a pretty fast course...I came in 113 of 116, but that still means my 3-race streak of not coming in last continues...

New PR for 10K: 1:08:03!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did the math and I think I actually broke the 11-minute barrier by a millisecond or two!

Results are posted at www.columbusrunning.com/t3results07.htm. There are pictures there too, but there are none of me - the photographers had left the finish line by the time I got there. Too bad...I would have liked a picture of me running, because I wore a T-shirt from Steve & Barry's that has a penguin in a straitjacket and the caption "cute but psycho".

John Bingham would be proud. =)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Training Run 10-28-07

I seem to be training lately by skipping short runs and just doing the long weekend run...I don't recommend this. =)

It's possible that walking around with the kids on Saturday night for trick-or-treat might count as cross-training however...

Anyway, another good long run, 5 miles in 1:00:38, or just over a 12 minute pace. I'm going to try to do some short runs this week, fitting them around my new grad school schedule (www.keller.edu).

My legs feel fine, just tired, but my shoulders are sore. And I definitely need more sleep. That's the only thing about a long run right before a working Monday...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Training Run 10-22-07

Really needed to get my run in tonight, as it was scheduled to be one of the long ones...but the weather map showed a big green blob. So I put on a hat to keep the rain out of my eyes, and went anyway.

It was kind of fun, splashing through puddles...and I didn't get hot, or winded...and all the walkers with curious dogs were inside. =)

4.5 miles, 54:52. A good pace, just over 12 minutes, and a new distance PR...which felt really good, as if I could have kept going.

Now I need to do a load of wash. =)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Training Run 10-20-07

Out of town visiting my parents, and I still haven't calibrated my pedometer...so I ran for 25 minutes and figured that it would be approximately 2 miles given my current training pace.

I forgot how hilly their neighborhood is... =)

Still it felt good to keep to my schedule even though I was out of town. The hills worked my mental endurance as well as physical...it was one of those runs where I wanted to stop but kept telling myself "you CAN run this far, no problem".

Also, no soreness or stiffness in legs and feet after running, despite the hills and the unfamiliar course, which was REALLY good.

3 weeks to race day...I need to do my long run tonight as I decided to watch football and the kids instead of running yesterday. =)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Training Run 10-18-07

The right foot has been sore the last few days, plus I had meetings at church on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I took a couple days off. I knew I should have iced it after my run Monday, but I was tired and ate and went to bed instead. Gotta listen to that voice in my head...sometimes...

I decided to run two easy miles and extend it out to three if I felt up to it. I am pleased with my increased fitness...an "easy" pace for me now is 12-13 minute mile...it used to be more like 15-16 minute mile. I did make it through the 3 miles, but they were definitely slow...40:21. I iced my foot for about 10 minutes when I got back, which helped a lot.

I figure I'll do a short out-and-back on Saturday when I'm out of town (I'll run for about 25 minutes and figure that it will be approximately 2 miles), then do my scheduled Sunday long run as usual. Hopefully that will get me back on track for Nov. 11.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Training Run 10-15-07

This was supposed to be yesterday's run, but I overslept yesterday morning and then felt sort of queasy the rest of the day...so I decided not to push it.

I felt really guilty today though, and I know I need to get these long runs in to prepare for the 10K. So when I got home from work, I changed directly into my running clothes as a mental push to get myself out the door. Had dinner and helped the kids with homework a little, then sneaked out once the baby was into something and didn't notice.

Tripped on the sidewalk again...one of these days that's really going to hurt. My right knee and right foot bothered me most of the run, but it wasn't reaching the level of pain, so I decided to keep going. At the end of mile 1 I was at 12:25, and I ended up covering the 4 miles in 51:09 so I was basically able to maintain the pace. My right foot is definitely knotted up now, but I have a good couple hours to rest and ice it before going to bed.

4 weeks to go...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Training Run 10-11-07

2 miles tonight. The shorter run of the week, which seems to be becoming my speed run...or at least the run that I push a little harder.

It's officially fall...it was chilly enough during my run that I didn't get sweaty until the last half mile. I wore a shirt with 3/4 sleeves and capri-length sweats...they have my husband's high school logo on them and are the first pair of sweats I've ever worn with words on the butt! The cold definitely encourages me to get moving and keep moving, though...the faster I run the sooner I can go back inside. =)

My right foot is a little sore, but I also tripped rather spectacularly over the edge of a driveway and didn't fall...not the cause of the soreness. I did have an adrenaline rush afterward thinking of how much it would have hurt if I had fallen.

22:26 for 2 miles. =)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Training Run 10-9-07

3 miles tonight, wasn't sure how to do it but ended up running my new 2 mile loop followed by 2 loops of my old 1/2 mile loop. Held a pretty quick pace and finished in 34:45. It was a nice cool evening, but my mouth got really dry...I've been used to breathing in more humid air.

Short post tonight, it's been a busy week already and my legs and my brain are tired.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Training Run 10-7-07

My first long run in preparation for the 10K...I was nervous about being able to complete it because even though I started running at 9 pm tonight, it was still pretty hot.

I've been feeling burned out on my usual 1/2 mile loop, so even though it's a little hillier, I decided on a different route that is most of the way to the kids' school...1 mile out, 1 mile back. Tonight's run was 4 miles, so it would be 2 loops...I figured that way it would be longer so it wouldn't be so mind-numbing, but short enough that I could see the end of the loop in sight.

I loved it...even though it was hot, I was able to maintain just over a 12 1/2 minute pace comfortably, even through the hills. My total time for the 4 miles was 50:37, and I finished up feeling REALLY good, like I could have run another couple miles. I feel much more confident about training for the 10K now.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Training Run 10-4-07

Going shopping for a bike tonight (and for oil for the stationary bike in the house), so I decided to get my run in before dinner. I'm definitely not used to it still being so warm when I run...but I guess it's a good challenge.

I decided to run tonight's 2 miles fairly fast for a training run, and make it a little bit of a speed workout. I walked for 60 seconds at the 1-mile point, but still finished the 2 miles in 25:05. It felt good when I was done, but during the actual running it was definitely a mind-over-matter thing. I kept telling myself "this difficulty is all in your head, you can run this distance at this pace"...but it was sheer will for the last 1/2 mile. It was probably a good thing I passed some people talking in a parked car...I made myself keep running till I knew they couldn't see me, and then I only had about 200 yards left to go.

The games we play with ourselves...

I also think I'm getting close to needing a new pair of running shoes...I read somewhere that if the outer midsole starts to look worn, it probably means that the inner structure of the shoe has also started to break down. I'm not feeling a lot of cushioning...though I'm currently running in Asics Duomax, so they're lightweight to begin with. They're starting to feel like there's not a lot between me and the sidewalk, however. I think I may choose a slightly sturdier shoe next time, since I'm now keeping up a fairly consistent running schedule and am going to be steadily increasing distance.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Training Run 10-2-07

First day running after race day, so I didn't push the pace. I'm starting my training for the November 11 10K using a training plan by Hal Higdon (10K novice plan at www.halhigdon.com). Only, since I have 6 weeks, and it's an 8 week plan, I'm starting on week 3. Someday I'll actually start a training plan at week 1...

2.5 miles tonight, 34:06, a little over a 13 1/2 minute pace. Easily sustainable, a good training pace for me for my "long runs" to gradually start adding distance. I find that adding distance also increases my fitness, and then my pace seems to improve on its own.

Anyone in the central Ohio area have a women's bike for sale? I'm looking to cross-train...

Sunday, September 30, 2007

RACE DAY 9-30-07

I ended up taking a rest day yesterday...to watch football. =)

However, I'd felt good about my training all week, so I figured I'd be okay...though I was a little concerned because I didn't get much sleep last night. I took my own coffee travel mug to church to get a little extra dose of caffeine during choir practice, and fueled up for the race with two cheese danishes in the parlor after the service.

I drove down to the race site (the Wegerzyn Garden Center, part of the Dayton park system - www.metroparks.org/_wegerzynGardens/wegerzynGardens.aspx) with plenty of time to spare - race check-in started at 2 pm, and the race didn't start until 3:30 pm or so. I had a nice "warm-up" walk through the gardens - they have a great children's educational garden and a really pretty formal rose garden. We'll have to come back sometime with the kids (and a camera).

It worked out well that I was there so early, because by the time the race was actually about to start, I'd worked out all of my pre-race jitters and was bored and ready to run. (I'd also hydrated myself to the point that I stood at the starting line wondering if I should have gone to the bathroom one more time! It was a hot day, though, and I figured I had a long way to go before I overdid the water.)

I lined up in the back of the pack and made sure my watch was on the stopwatch function. I went out at what felt like a fast but comfortable pace and after about 15 yards realized I'd forgotten to start the stopwatch. =)

I started it anyway at that point and mentally added 15-30 seconds, just so I could get an idea of whether or not I was on pace when I hit the first mile marker. There were two water stations, one at just shy of 1 mile (drank water, walked for 15-20 seconds), and one at a little over 2 miles (drank water, poured water down the back of my neck, meant to walk but forgot).

I traded spots back and forth with an older (50's) man and two older (60's) women for awhile, and eventually went past for good sometime in the third mile. The last half-mile felt really long, but I figured from my watch that I had to be getting close to done. I tried to keep pace with the two runners ahead of me, spaced out about 30 yards and 60 yards ahead, and let them pull me across the finish line.

Official times are posted at:


but for my casual readers...

I came in 33rd of 49 (overall...there were no gender or age subcategories) with a new PR time of 34:43!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My legs are tired but not that sore...I have a stretching day scheduled for tomorrow, and then I start training for a 10K (Dublin OH, November 11, details to follow).

After beating my previous 5K time by 43 seconds, I need a new challenge. =)

Friday, September 28, 2007

Thoughts on nutrition

As I said in the previous post, last night I took an obviously needed (even to me) rest day, and I'm sure that contributed to the successful speed session tonight. However, I'm also wondering if my dinner and pre-run snack had anything to do with it...

Chicken, carrots and egg noodles in light gravy (thickened broth...it was a crock-pot thing)
Parmesan cheese-flavored crackers
2 cans diet Pepsi (yes, caffeinated...I never said I was perfect)

I'm wondering if before I wasn't eating enough carbs to fuel my run...hence the heavy legs.

Those of you who read this who are more experienced runners...what do you think? Good balance of carbs and protein? Any favorite pre-training foods?

Training Run 9-28-07

My legs were still tight last night from Wednesday's run, so I figured rather than shove myself out the door and risk injury by forcing myself to run - especially since the program for Thursday was a speed session - I decided to take today's rest day yesterday, and do yesterday's program today.

Clear as mud? =)

Anyway, so tonight I did 2 repeats of 800 meters (once around my neighborhood loop) at race pace, with the same time amount of easy jogging or walking in between. The training plan said that the idea was to test my ability to hold race pace over a mile, and that if I couldn't complete the workout then my projected race pace was too fast. I decided to just run the first 800 comfortably fast, and see how fast the pace was when I got to the end of the first loop, and go from there.

I arrived at the end of the first loop in 5:32. Just slightly over an 11 minute mile, about a minute faster than I would have said my goal race pace was, but I decided to stick with the program and see if I could achieve the same pace in the second 800. I had to push it at the end of the second loop, but I did it - the whole workout took me 16:38.

I'm still not sure that an 11 minute mile is a realistic pace for me over the whole 5K, but it was nice to have the success in the speed workout, and also to feel like I did the right thing by taking yesterday off. And there's no telling what adrenaline will do on Sunday...after all, my first 5K time of 35:26 averaged less than a 12 minute mile, and I definitely feel stronger and more prepared this time.

Tomorrow's workout is a mixture of endurance and speed, and then I'll really feel ready.

Time for strength training...giving the baby a bath. =)

Training Run 9-26-07

Tonight was just supposed to be an easy run...and for the first time I did as directed and ran easy...28:52 for 2 miles. My legs are really tight...nothing hurts exactly, just feel like an overstretched rubber band.

(note: I didn't get to write this down till Friday 9-28, hence the date disconnect.)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Training Run 9-25-07

Rain threatened tonight, so I ran earlier than usual...it was strange to be able to see the twigs on the sidewalk as I avoided tripping on them. =)

Tonight's plan called for a speed session...it was supposed to be 1 mile warm-up followed by a tempo run for the amount of time you expected to run the 5K. For me, the goal was 35 minutes.

I walked the warm-up...it was warm and muggy out and I was definitely warmed up and sweaty by the end of the walk. Then I started to run, went out too fast (as usual!) and ended up having to take a walking break at the 1/2 mile mark. However, I figured that was OK given my two-week injury layoff, so I continued the walking breaks every half mile.

The first mile I ran in 10:24 even with the walking break...did I mention I went out too fast?!?! Gotta figure out this sustainable pace thing...

Overall I completed 3 miles with walking breaks in 37:37...a little slower than I had hoped, but that probably had to do with burnout from the really really fast first mile...ok, maybe the first two miles, as I got to that point in 22:29...obviously I died in the third mile.

Had to cut the planned 1 mile cool-down short because it poured. Felt good though. =)

Time for a grocery store (caffeine) run and a snack.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm back!

I hate being injured. Especially when I'm planning a race.

The foot/ankle injury appears to be healed, but man did it take a while. Ran for the first time tonight, following a training plan on www.runnersworld.com for being ready for a 5K in 7 days. (The Artemis race is this Sunday 9/30.) I guess I'll have to test out Hal Higdon's 5K training plan in full some other time.

Anyway, so I ran 2 easy miles, time turned out to be 28:04. Not bad for 2 weeks off. My legs felt really heavy during the whole run, but it was good to get out there, and I don't feel sore now.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Injury Report, Day 2

My foot still hurt for most of the day yesterday, but I wasn't walking quite as much like a gimp. Took a hot bath last night, which seems to have helped a lot. I'm still wearing flat shoes today, but walking without pain. There's no stiffness at all in the sole of my foot, and only a little bit of tightness on the outside of my ankle. I'm still planning to put heat on it tonight, though I don't know if I feel like another bath...maybe just a heating pad and some knitting.

Looking forward to my run tomorrow...promise myself I'll go easy.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Injury Report

My left foot still hurts and is stiff today...wearing flat shoes at least didn't hurt it any worse, but it definitely hasn't gotten any better. I called my cousin the physical therapist (thanks Katie!) who said to ice it again tonight, then switch to heat tomorrow and for as long as it takes for the symptoms to go away. She says a hot bath is a good method...so now I have an official health-related excuse to soak in the tub. =)

I think I must have overtrained a little yesterday...pushed the pace too much. I just want to be faster...so far in my training life, almost without exception, each training run has been a new record of some sort, either a better pace time or longer distance, and I just want so much to continue that upward slope.

I guess I need to learn from this week to be content with a few steps forward interspersed with plateaus and even the occasional step back. I need to remind myself that I'm in this running thing for the long haul, and I don't have to set all my records in one season, or even in one year. I have the rest of my life to continue to grow as an athlete.

Having said that, tomorrow is going to be frustrating. I'll miss my run. Katie says I might be okay to run Saturday with Holly, but definitely to skip tomorrow's run and continue to rest and treat the injury so it doesn't get more serious. Maybe I'll do some upper-body weights and some stretching. I've been trying to rub my foot, which feels good but doesn't seem to loosen the tightness.

Oh well...more time to knit. =)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Training Run 9-11-07

19 days till race day, and I'm starting to get a little apprehensive. But I had a good run tonight...2.75 miles, the longest distance I've ever run without a walking break. I tried to set an easy, comfortable pace, but it was so nice and cool outside that I found myself speeding up because it felt so good to be outside. I was actually kind of chilly and I think I turned on the jets just to warm up!

So...PR distance 2.75 miles, and a time of 34:49, for a per-mile pace PR of just under 12:45!!!!!

Had to ice my left foot afterward, feels tight and a little sore but I don't think it's injured. I'll see how it feels tomorrow, and be sure to wear flat shoes to work so I don't stress it more.

I'm planning to run with Holly at the reservoir on Saturday morning, and admittedly that was part of why I was pushing the pace tonight...I know she's faster than me, and I don't want to be so slow that she doesn't want to run with me again. =)

I probably shouldn't worry as I know I've improved a lot since the PRISMS race...I'm just still getting used to feeling like I have the right to call myself an athlete.

Bagel chips, hummus, and bed.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Training Run 9-8-07

Tonight was just one of those nights when nothing about the run felt good. I don't mean that I was injured or that I shouldn't have run, although I did have a down day yesterday with the cold...at least it was a rest day anyway. Felt better overall today, but I think the fact that I wasn't up to eating yesterday meant that I ate too much today, at least too much for a training day.

When I went out to run it was nice and cool, after quite a thunderstorm earlier this evening...we should probably go out and pick up sticks tomorrow. I kept a moderate pace, but the whole run just felt hard...like 80-90 percent effort when that pace should have been 60-70 percent effort. Still, I guess it paid off...I ran 2 1/2 miles in 34:13. A little over a 13 1/2 minute mile pace...slower than Thursday's run but probably more sustainable for me at this point.

Had a chocolate meal replacement shake when I got in, put the baby back to bed...now it's spicy ramen noodles for me. =)

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Training Run 9-6-07

Challenges tonight getting out the door - I'm fighting allergies and possibly a cold, and the baby was still up at 9:50 pm. Finally I just asked his daddy to watch him and headed out the door.

Tonight's 2 miles felt a little tough, mostly because of trouble breathing due to the allergies and the cold. I was also a little worried because my right knee was a little twinge-y when I first started to run, but I just promised myself I'd listen to it while I was running and stop if it got worse.

Once again I was able to complete the whole distance without stopping for a walking break, and I held a pretty steady pace which I could tell was faster than Tuesday's run. I even managed to dig down and finish a little stronger in the last 1/4 mile or so.

It paid off: total time for 2 miles was 25:56. Just under a 13 minute mile, held consistently over 2 miles! I'm hoping now to continue to develop the endurance to hold that pace over longer distances and make it feel more comfortable.

Sports drink, snack and sleep for me now. Need to nip this cold in the bud.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Training Run 9-4-07

Couldn't get to the computer last night to post...YouTube had taken over. =)

Forgot to put my digital watch on before I went out and decided that was okay. I didn't feel like going inside to get it, and also just had a lot on my mind and decided it would be a good night for a sort of Zen-like training run...just to get out of my own head for a while.

Prescribed run for the day was 2.5 miles, or 5 loops of my neighborhood route. I decided to see if I could maintain a slow but steady pace and not have to take walking breaks. I did it!! And I still felt good after the 2.5 miles and felt like I could have gone longer, but decided I shouldn't overtrain with a race coming up in 3 1/2 weeks.

Still, it was a very satisfying feeling to run the last .5 a little faster than the others, and still feel like there was something in the tank.

Saturday's run is scheduled to be 2.5 miles also, so I plan to remember the watch and do the same thing, and see what kind of time I run when I feel that good.

Amazing that about six weeks ago I could only run for about 8 minutes at a time without stopping for a break, and that in 8 minutes I would cover only about 1/3 of a mile...

Monday, September 3, 2007

Training Walk 9-3-07

I probably shouldn't have tried to fit in my running workouts while out of town for Labor Day weekend, as they didn't happen. =)

However, had a nice relaxing weekend, didn't eat or drink too much, caught up a little on sleep.

Now back to officially preparing for the Artemis 5K (see previous post). I'm doing the second half of Hal Higdon's 8-week 5K training program (Novice level, at www.halhigdon.com). So tonight was a rest/walk day, so I walked the full length of our street at an easy pace. It's hilly so I worked on keeping a steady pace uphill.

It was nice just to have some time by myself after a people filled weekend. I'll be back to running tomorrow.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Post-Race Training Run 8-30-07

I think I over-recovered...it took a real effort of will to get myself back out there on the pavement tonight, and when I started running I couldn't seem to get into a rhythm. It almost felt like I was starting to run again for the very first time.

Our super-hot weather is over for now, so it's just a normal level of August heat...which meant that when I stepped out of the door at 7 p.m. tonight, there was actually a little bit of a chill in the air. It felt weird - I started running seriously during the last week of July, when a cooler day was 89. I'll have to get used to not starting to sweat till the end of my first 1/2 mile (since I tend to see the sweat as proof of adequate effort, meaning if I'm not sweating I think I'm not working hard enough).

Despite the strangeness, though, the training run went fairly well. I'm still a little frustrated by my need to take walking breaks, though I know that both John Bingham and Jeff Galloway (www.jeffgalloway.com) espouse them as a way to train and even race. I guess I still want to be the Bionic Woman (and then maybe I could figure out how not to need sleep, and maybe my house would be clean and my laundry would be done, too). Even with walking breaks, though, I ran my planned 1.5 miles in 19:02. Not quite my adrenaline-rush race pace, but close enough for me to feel that the number on the clock last Saturday wasn't a mistake, and also a good pace to push myself far enough to build both speed and endurance. Certainly it's a lot faster than my old training pace of 14-15 minute miles. My left shin and right knee are a little sore...the right knee was noticeably tight when I first started, but hopefully that's just a result of not moving (I didn't even get out and walk!) for 4 days.

I'm fairly sure now of when my next race will be, and it was the thought of that race (in 4 1/2 weeks...one of these days I'll give myself adequate 8-12 week preparation time) that helped get me out the door tonight. It's the Taking Steps Against Domestic Violence 5K Run/3K Awareness Walk (www.artemiscenter.org/news.htm) in downtown Dayton. I think I need to pretty much keep setting continuous goals for myself running-wise, in other words I always need to know when the next race I'm entering is...otherwise I'll sneak in too much pizza, or too little sleep, or too many days off, and undo all the progress I've made.

In other words...I think I'm becoming a run-a-holic. =)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

First Race Day!!!

What a great day...

Was running late getting out of the house (story of my life), but got to the race in time, since things didn't start right at 8 am sharp. Had a pleasant surprise to see Holly from the Clark County Republican Women and Kyle from church, as I hadn't expected to know anyone.

Holly helped me pin on my race number and lined up in the back of the pack with me. About 50 yards into the race she realized I couldn't keep up with her pace and dropped back to tell me not to worry about her, just to run my own race and not let her mess me up. I didn't, but I did try to keep her at least in sight as long as I could.

I've been running about a 13-15 minute mile in training, and my record distance covered running without stopping for a walking break was 1 mile. So I wasn't really expecting anything at all this race, except to finish. I was planning to just run my usual pace and just finish wherever I finished...even if I was last. But I forgot to turn my stopwatch on when I started running (was still too busy people-watching) and so I had no idea how fast I was running. I was keeping pace with the group ahead of me for about the first half of the race, and I realize now they were probably running much faster than I'm used to.

However, for the first mile or so there was no one behind me except the support vehicle...a full-metal cammo-painted Hummer! Headlines flashed through my head..."Novice Runner Flattened By Hummer...Race Organizers Shocked". It was kind of nice company though, and I had to laugh thinking about how funny it must look...little tiny five foot nothing me, and this huge army green splotchy thing over my right shoulder. I did pass 2 people though (although one of them passed me back...a white-haired lady who walked at least 50% of the race and STILL beat me by one place) so eventually I stopped running in the shadow of the Hummer.

I did manage to set a new personal distance record...I ran about the first mile and three-quarters without stopping...past the turn around. The first mile felt great (if fast, but I chalked that up to adrenaline and it being an early-morning race so it wasn't as hot), the second mile was a little harder but felt like what I'm used to as far as pushing myself through the second half of my training runs. The last mile kicked my butt...I stopped for about half a dozen walking breaks, but they were brief...only a minute or two, to catch my breath and drink some water.

FINALLY after the longest mile of my running career, I could hear the music playing at the start/finish area, and I tried to speed up a little. By that time I just wanted to be done. Holly met me again about 25 yards from the finish line and took my empty water bottle from me and encouraged me to finish strong. I found a little more for a little tiny finishing kick and ran through the finish.

I was NOT last (he was a brand new runner, ran about the first 3/4 mile and walked the rest of the race, the other person I passed at the beginning) and my time TOTALLY blew me away. Remember I said I'd been running 13-15 minute miles in training? And in training that pretty much felt like my maximum sustainable pace? I figure I must have gone out WAY fast at the beginning, and I'm sure not stopping for a walk break until after the halfway mark improved my time too, but I never expected the time I got...


HOW did that happen???? Roughly an 11 1/2 minute mile???? Me????

It figures I'd set myself a PR in my first 5K that I'll have to train my butt off to beat.

I'm hooked...after the race was over I was kind of disappointed...like, "it's over already??"

Holly and I are hoping to run together on some Saturdays.

I can't wait for the next race!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Today's Training Walk 8-23-07

OK, this is the real taper day...I walked 2 miles at a chipper but comfortable pace, and am now resting with a sports drink, cheese and pretzels, and ice on my right knee. Just a little bit of patellar tendinitis I think...probably from 3 straight days of training, even though Tuesday's workout wasn't very long.

Tomorrow is recovery day...I plan to do nothing whatever workout-wise...just sit on the couch, do some knitting, and get to bed early. I have to be at the park for the race at 7:30 AM!

11:11...time for bed.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Great Training Run 8-22-07

New PR for 1 mile....(drum roll) 13:13!!! Yahoooooo!!!!

I haven't run a mile that fast since I was (inexplicably) on the track team in high school...and that was 17 years ago!

Disclaimer: I would never mess around with painkillers, performance-enhancing drugs, hallucinogenic mushrooms, or any of that stuff. But I took a dose of Pepto before my run (with my last-thing-out-the-door 8 oz. glass of water) and had NO stomach issues whatsoever despite the weather and pushing myself pretty hard. I may be on to something here...

I have this weird pain in my butt, though. It didn't bother me during the run (because I was concentrating, probably) but it was still there when I was done. Obviously I've been using muscles I didn't know I had.

I waited until 9 pm to go out tonight because the heat index during the day was 110...I mean, even though one of the reasons I run is to lose weight, let's not overdo it. I can only carry so much water. =)

Decided to try to run 14 minutes at a time, but without looking at my watch every few minutes...so I decided to shoot for the 1-mile mark on my usual loop and just take a look and see where I was if/when I got there. Keep in mind that this would be the longest distance I'd run at a time without stopping for a walk break. I got to the mile mark, looked down...and saw 13:26!!

Took a longer walk break than usual, partly to celebrate and look up at the stars. Started running again at my favorite bush at 17:00, tried to keep my pace consistent, even on the slight upslope, and long story short, got back to the bush at 30:13!

13 seconds faster on the second mile than the first...NEGATIVE SPLITS!! Plus, I actually managed to put two 1-mile continuous runs together.

I read something in one of John Bingham's books today which said something to the effect that sometimes during a bad run you have to tell yourself "I'm having this bad run so that I can have a great run some other time". It certainly worked for me today.

Saturday 5K, here I come!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Sucky Training Run 8-21-07

The good part - not raining, 7-minute 1/2 mile. The bad part - everything else. Tried to run with a stomachache and headache, was able to get myself through the longest 7 minutes of my running career so far. Then with "the runs" approaching (I MUST be the universe's joke of the week) I tried to at least walk the rest of my planned route. I made it through 1 1/2 miles (including the 7-minute 1/2 mile) before I had to give up and come in. Bathroom, a swig of Pepto-Bismol, and I guess I'll live to run another day.

It sucks. I had such high hopes for today. On my last training day (Friday 8/17) I was running 12 minutes at a time with gas still left in the tank, and I had every intention of getting to 14 minutes tonight. I'm positive I could have done it too...but running seems not to be on my body's schedule for tonight. Once again, I don't think when they talk about tapering before a race that this is what it's supposed to feel like.

I've read, of course, that improvement in running is not linear...sometimes it is two steps forward and one step back. I was just kind of hoping it wouldn't happen to me. Now the question is how do I keep it from freaking me out as far as Saturday's race is concerned. I couldn't even WALK 3 miles tonight, let alone run it.

I feel bad giving myself permission to have an off day tonight because of the last couple nights when I didn't run at all...hence the 1 1/2 miles of torturous stomach-churning motion. I know that if I'm not feeling well, then that's just the way it is...but still it irritates me that I can't pull a "mind-over-matter" on my body and just push through. I want to be the bionic woman...or at least just be able to tell my body what to do and have it do it.

I guess I'm human after all. =)

Better luck tomorrow...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Training Frustration

Last night (Sunday 8/19) I didn't run...I succumbed to a moment of weakness and had wine and cheese spread and crackers. Remember I mentioned that I run because I eat. =)

Tonight I couldn't run even though I wanted to because it has been raining since this afternoon and it's expected to continue past midnight. The weather map online is one big green blob. So I reacted by having wine and cheese spread and crackers.

I think the universe is having a cosmic joke at my expense. I am now a little worried about the 5K on Saturday (5 days away! eep!). At least I talked to Steve and Cathy on Saturday and Cathy says that if I'm running 12 minutes at a time at a 15-minute mile pace that I should be fine for the race. I'll be faster because of the adrenaline, and I'll push myself to reach the finish line instead of walking the final 500 meters. She's run marathons, so I'm sure she knows what she's talking about, and she didn't seem to think I was crazy for taking basically 3 1/2 weeks to train for my first-ever 5K. I trust her...I just don't totally trust my body.

I hate weather. I hate not being able to control things...the kids, my impulses to procrastinate instead of run/clean house/do laundry...I feel like I have enough trouble keeping on top of what I have to do without juggling everyone else. Running and my job are the only things I sort of feel like I have mastery of right now...everything else seems to be testing the speed limits of entropy. =)

Maybe it's just because it's Monday...and I've read you're supposed to taper before a race, anyway. I don't think this is quite what they mean.

I'll be doing a "no-rain dance" hoping that at least a couple times I can get out and run this week...just so my body remembers what its comfortable pace feels like.

I want to move to Arizona where it doesn't snow and never rains. Oh well.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Today's Training Run 8-17-07


Today was one of those runs that I didn't really want to do, and it didn't really fit in my schedule, but with the race coming up a week from tomorrow, it just needed to get done. Even though I reached my goal for the day (12 min run x 1 min walk x 3), it just didn't feel that great or exhilarating at any point...not bad, just not great...no runner's high today.

But I think that's why I "get" running some days...like anything, my job, my marriage, my life as a parent, there are a few high days, a few low days, but most of the days are just there...just getting done what needs to get done whether it feels all that rewarding or not. Like those other parts of my life, running is a long-term habit, not just a short-term thrill, and the long-term rewards (increased endurance, fitness, great calf muscles, whatever) are happening each time I live up to my commitment to run, whether I see "Improvement" with a capital "I" that day or not.

Anyway, after the running goal was done I kept walking on my route till I got to the 3-mile mark, just out of curiosity to see how I'd do. Today's time: 3 miles in 46 minutes. No land speed records, but at least they probably won't turn the clock off before I'm done. I feel better about next Saturday...like it's not a totally stupid thing for me to do.

I never thought I was entering to be "competitive" against anyone else...I've really only been training for about a month, as I'm not counting the fits and starts I had before. I'm not fast (15 minute mile) and I've never been in the race atmosphere before, so I'm sure there will be lots of things I don't know and things I find confusing on race day. Here we come to yet another reason I run...I can compete against myself. I am determined to enjoy next Saturday's race...the scenery will be beautiful, the weather and temperature should be great (8 am start!), and it's my first 5K, which is a milestone that I'll never have again. I am determined not to worry about the clock, or where I finish...I just want to finish, and have that "I did it" feeling.

Having said that, I had a little bit left in the tank tonight but chose to walk to the 3-mile point so I wouldn't over-train...but if it had been race day I think I could have made it to 3 miles in under 45 minutes. =)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Today's Training Run 8-15-07

Right now I'm training for my first 5K. It's a charity run for Smith-Magenis Syndrome (for more information, visit http://www.prisms.org/) at our local Buck Creek State Park here in Springfield, Ohio. My goal is just to finish before they turn the race clock off...I know I'm not going to break any land speed records. I have 10 days to go before race day - Saturday, August 25.

I've been training 3-4 times a week on a 1/2 mile loop of sidewalk in our neighborhood. If there are any experienced runners reading this, I'm scared of running in the road and I trip over my feet when I run in the grass, so even though I know concrete sidewalks are hard on your legs...it's just what I do. =)

Tonight, I set a new personal record...10 minutes running without stopping, with 1 minute walking breaks, times 3! The last repeat was hard but not impossible, and in an actual race where I could see the finish line, I think I might have actually had a "finishing kick".

My post-run snack: a sports drink (sugar-free) and an open faced cheese (crumbly cheddar-ish stuff...I can't remember what it's called) and tomato sandwich with fresh tomatoes that someone in my office brought in and left in the mailroom. Yum...

Welcome to my blog!

Hi! I've decided to start this blog as sort of an online running journal, with thoughts thrown in about why I run, how I feel about running, and anything else that comes up that seems to fit. Occasional off-topic posts may sneak in. And no matter what, like John "the Penguin" Bingham, (www.johnbingham.com), I'll continue to "waddle on"!!