Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Training Run 9-25-07

Rain threatened tonight, so I ran earlier than usual...it was strange to be able to see the twigs on the sidewalk as I avoided tripping on them. =)

Tonight's plan called for a speed session...it was supposed to be 1 mile warm-up followed by a tempo run for the amount of time you expected to run the 5K. For me, the goal was 35 minutes.

I walked the warm-up...it was warm and muggy out and I was definitely warmed up and sweaty by the end of the walk. Then I started to run, went out too fast (as usual!) and ended up having to take a walking break at the 1/2 mile mark. However, I figured that was OK given my two-week injury layoff, so I continued the walking breaks every half mile.

The first mile I ran in 10:24 even with the walking break...did I mention I went out too fast?!?! Gotta figure out this sustainable pace thing...

Overall I completed 3 miles with walking breaks in 37:37...a little slower than I had hoped, but that probably had to do with burnout from the really really fast first mile...ok, maybe the first two miles, as I got to that point in 22:29...obviously I died in the third mile.

Had to cut the planned 1 mile cool-down short because it poured. Felt good though. =)

Time for a grocery store (caffeine) run and a snack.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Welcome back Ashley, glad the foot/ankle is better. Good luck with the race on Sunday.