Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Training Run 2-27-08

Thank goodness for treadmills...

I think I've mostly kicked the cold, still have a cough in the evenings but it's not nearly as bad. I've been going to bed early when I feel like it, making sure I get enough to eat, and trying to keep up on my water intake...though I was a little short on the water today.

So I went to the gym an hour before they closed, which put some pressure on me to set the treadmill fast. =)

4 miles with the treadmill set to a 12-minute mile, woohoo...

So hopefully I'm back on track on the training schedule...I plan to run 4 miles again on Friday. Then it's supposed to be close to 40 degrees on Sunday for Holly and I to do our long run. Finally...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for YOU........Mom