Thursday, May 29, 2008

Training Run 5-28-08

Had the best 3-mile treadmill run ever. Part of it was that I decided to run a comfortable 12-minute mile pace and build time on my feet, instead of pushing the pace too hard. The other part was that it was almost a "perfect storm" from a sports watching point of view for me - the Reds were on, the Red Wings were on, the Pistons were on, and the Dodgers (Alex's business partner's favorite team) were on. I hardly noticed the miles go by, I was too busy keeping track of 4 games.

Saw Holly and she confessed she hasn't been running much and hasn't done any long runs at all. We've both been really busy this definitely showed me how much it is helping me to have a race goal. We're playing golf together on Saturday morning...maybe I can talk her into running the marathon with me in October.

I'm in a research study - - to see whether stretching BEFORE running helps runners avoid injury, or not. Lucky for me I was put in the non-stretching group, because I don't stretch before I run, only after. I was really proud to even qualify - running at least 10 miles a week consistently was a requirement.

I'm a runner! =)

1 comment:

Linda said...

Congrats to my favorite you