Friday, June 6, 2008

Training Run 6-5-08

I've been slacking off...I think after a week or so "on" a program, I just start to rebel against the lack of spontaneity and get burned wasn't that I didn't want to run, just that it's been busy and I'm torn in the evenings between housework, spending time with family, and running. Also wreaks havoc with the dinner schedule when I am running in the early evening after work.

So, since I'd been up Wednesday morning early for a 7 am breakfast meeting and that went well, I got up early and went to the gym before work...2.5 miles at 12-minute pace. Went well, hardly anyone there and no one else in the locker room when I was taking my shower and getting dressed. This will only work while my weekday runs are under an hour...the gym opens at 6 am and I have to be at work at 8...but if I'm in the shower by 7:15 or so I'll make it. Still it was nice to not have to worry about my run for the rest of the day, especially since I came home and made a special birthday dinner for Alex - steak with bearnaise sauce, four cheese and roasted garlic mashed potatoes, and red velvet cake. (Before you think I am the next Food Network chef, the sauce, potatoes, and cake were all from mixes. Ta-da!)

Tomorrow I hope to run on the bike trail again...I'm scheduled for 5.5 miles but it may end up being 6. There is a Family Fun Fest out at the soccer complex on Eagle City Road (part of our local Parks & Rec department, and there is a 3-mile walk scheduled. I'm going to try to do an easy run at the front of the walking group, and just do it twice to get my mileage in. Should be fun. I really liked the bike trail last time, and this will be a new section...I will be too busy exploring to notice the running. Also, the walk/run starts at 9 am, and with the weather predicted in the low 90's I need to run early. Since the gym isn't all that well air conditioned, I'd rather not do 6 miles on the treadmill either.

Time for sleep...

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