Monday, June 23, 2008

Training Run 6-21-08

Since we had to take Alexander into Columbus to the North Market to meet my mom, I couldn't run in the morning. So I dropped Allison off at her friend Tiffany's birthday party, and drove over to the soccer fields to run my 6 miles on the bike path. I still think going north from the soccer fields is boring because it just goes through cornfields, whereas south goes past the new high school and through town (and there's more shade) but I wasn't sure I'd get in enough mileage going south.

I had planned to run 36 minutes and then turn around, but partly due to the heat and partly due to the fact that I realized I was running faster than a 12-minute mile, I turned around (actually stopped for a stretch break) at just under 33 minutes. Then started my watch up again and headed back. I found out that Saturday afternoons on the bike path are more crowded than I'd like with recreational (stop and smell the flowers every 5 yards, taking up the whole path in the process) rather than fitness users. Next time I'll do my run in the morning.

Still, it was good to get the practice fighting the heat (and a headwind...arrgh), and I made pretty good time. 6 miles in 1:04 and change (I'm writing this at work and my digital watch is at home), just over a 10 1/2 minute mile, with walking breaks. I've got to stop going out so fast...

I think I got some sun, too. =)


Linda said...

Be careful....the heat can be a killer.......drink plenty.
Mornings are best for me, but sometimes I have to work!!!!

So glad you are making this time for yourself.

Ashley said...

I need you to take a new picture of me and the kids on July 4th weekend...Andrew does not look like Baby Fudd anymore. =)