Thursday, June 26, 2008

Training Runs 6-24 and 6-26-06

Went to the gym early Tuesday morning intending to set the treadmill at a 10-minute mile and do my workout speedy body had other ideas. So, did 3 miles on the treadmill at varying speeds, including walking. I'm not sure exactly how much time it took so I don't know an average speed...but it was not the workout I was hoping for.

Tuesday evening my stomach hurt, Wednesday morning it still hurt, so I skipped Wednesday. Might have had something to do with having a bologna sandwich for dinner on the way to VBS Tuesday night... =)

This morning I got to the gym and set the treadmill to 5.5, a hair under an 11-minute mile. It felt really hard for the first mile and a quarter, but I told myself to stick with it. I made it through the whole 3 miles at 5.5. I guess it was just another one of those times when having a bad workout is just a prelude to having a really good workout.

Plus speedwise I think I'm on the brink of breaking through a plateau...11-minute miles are now starting to feel "easy", and when I push myself I can now break the 10-minute barrier over shorter distances. I just have to stick to my schedule (I like the 3 weekday runs, it means if I miss one it still means I get in 2 runs during the's definitely made the weekend long runs easier) and watch my times tick down...

Looking forward to my 7-mile run this weekend (running by time, 38.5 minutes out, the same or better coming back, total in the neighborhood of 77 minutes). I think I'll drive down to the south side of town to the Beatty Station staging area and run a different part of the bike trail. Having an "adventure" will help pass the time! =)

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