Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Training Run 7-1-08

OK, so the 7-mile run didn't happen. I think I obsessed too much about where to do it, and got paralyzed in the decision-making. I also think I need to go out and do my weekend run first thing on Saturday morning, before other stuff gets put in the schedule...because otherwise it'll get crowded out. Not that I don't have time at other times in the weekend...but the longer I put it off, the easier it is for some other activity to look more appealing.

3 miles in the morning on the treadmill at the gym. Man, do they need to invest in air conditioning. I wore a running tank and it was soaking wet at the end of my run...might as well have worn a bathing suit. Still, I was able to set the treadmill at 5.5 (slightly under an 11-minute mile) and get through the whole run.

I got asked twice by other gym people if I minded if they changed the TV station. I was OK with both, neither one was the TV I was sort of watching, but I still thought it was funny. I'm still not really familiar with what's on at 6:30 am (though it appears to be mostly infomercials) and so I don't really care what I'm's just something for my brain to do besides think about being hot and sweaty and running.

I do like starting my day early (though I don't like the getting out of bed at 6 am part, especially when it wakes up Andrew and makes him cry) because I feel so much more organized...whether I am or not...and I'm all the way awake by the time I get to work, instead of trudging in going "where's the coffee"... =)

1 comment:

Linda said...

I like starting my day early - must end it by 11 or before, tho...........