Thursday, May 22, 2008

Training Run 5-21-08

The gym again, this time for 3 miles. I found out from Diane that I can use my iPod headphones to plug into the audio feed for the TV's at the gym. I got to watch HGTV. =)

I decided to try running negative splits....first mile at a 12-minute pace, second mile at an 11-minute pace, third mile at a 10-minute pace.

The first mile felt almost TOO easy, which was cool considering a 12-minute mile used to be a lot of work. The second mile was pretty tough, but I made it through. The third mile I made it to 2.8 miles and then had to stop running...but I turned the treadmill down to a 15-minute mile pace and walked to the 3-mile point. I still finished the whole session in only 34:50.

Tonight, though, I was scheduled for 2 miles, had plenty of time to either go to the gym or run on the road, and just didn't feel like it. Maybe it was that I had a good concentrated work day and just wanted to rest. But I also feel like I might be overtraining a little bit, pushing the pace a little too hard.

I have to keep reminding myself that I have 5 months to get in shape to run a 10-minute pace in the marathon. I don't have to do it today, or even this week or this month.

Tomorrow I'll go to the gym while Alexander is at baseball practice. I promise not to overdo it...this time I'll just have fun on the treadmill.

1 comment:

Linda said...

I'm continuing my walking - for 45 minutes to an hour ---feels good to get outside and move.
Glad you are back running.....I know it's a good outlet for you.