Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Training Run 5-20-08

OK, so it's been a really hectic couple least I have a really LONG and GRADUAL training period this time.

Went to the gym last night, ran 2 miles at a 10-minute mile pace. It was great, but I was getting tired at about 1 1/2 miles...just then Diane and Felix from work showed up, and I thought "darn, I can't turn the treadmill down now, they'll see me!" Not that they would have cared, but it got me through the last half mile. Thanks Diane =)

Scheduled for 3 miles tonight...I think I will start out at 12-minute mile pace and turn the treadmill up as I go...negative splits!!!

1 comment:

John Fenton said...

Great job on the new pace record, Ashley. And belated congrats on the Columbus Distance Classic! By the end of the year, you'll be running a marathon at your 5K pace from last August! Amazing how that hard work pays off! ;)
