Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Training Run 4-30-08

I have got to stop tripping over my's not like they're that big... =)

Ran 3 miles tonight. First mile was good, hit the turn at 10:35. Then at about 1.1 miles I tripped over nothing (air? imaginary rodents? who knows...) and fell. However, at least I'm getting better at falling...I tucked and rolled, and only slightly scraped a knee. I got up almost immediately and kept going, and managed to finish the run without stopping for a break.

Final time, including tail over teakettle - 32:57.

It was a nice run, still light out but not too bright, and every few yards a different flowering tree to see - and smell. I love spring. =)


Linda said...

It can't be your feet - they are much too small to trip over!!!

It is good to run/walk this time of year - not too hot or cold. And the wonderful smells of spring are only interrupted by the occasional smell of Downy from someones' dryer!!!

Ashley said...

Yeah, plus what people are fixing for dinner. It'll get even worse come summer grilling weather...I'll want to detour through someone's backyard and snag a hamburger. =)