Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Training Run 4-29-08

Ran 2 miles at the new gym (www.springfieldathletic.com) - we got a bargain price on a year's membership through the Dayton Public TV auction. They have a big cardio room with 5 TV's all playing different things, and they sell headphones that plug into the machines so you can hear the TV. I might buy one later, for my long runs...if I can manage to not trip over the cord.

The gym also has weights, aerobics, and racquetball, as well as a massage therapist and a nail studio. I talked to the nail girl for a few minutes, she seems very nice and the prices are OK. It's almost pedicure season. =)

Anyway, 2 miles in 24:10 and some good healthy sweat. Tuesdays and Thursdays there is a stretching and toning class in the aerobics room, so maybe I can get organized enough to do my run before the class starts at 7:15 and then get in some good flexibility work. There's Pilates on Monday nights and Zumba on Saturday mornings, too. Allison wants to take Zumba with me. =)

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