Thursday, January 17, 2008

Training Runs 1-15-08 & 1-17-08

Tuesday's run was cold, and it had snowed, so I ran in the road instead of on the sidewalk. That was weird. 24:05 for 2 miles, no walking break. Not great, but OK...and it tells me how much too fast Saturday's run was.

Tonight I went to a baby shower at TGI Friday's, got home shortly after 8 pm, and spent time with the kids. Didn't really feel like running, but also didn't want to approach the prospect of running 4 miles on Saturday without running again tonight. So I went was close to 40 degrees, so the sidewalks were safe to run on. This time I did the 2 miles in 23:32. =)

I've been trying to watch what I eat...not in any really strict kind of way, just in terms of choosing good fuel for my body instead of empty calories. Tonight at Friday's I had a side salad, mahi mahi with corn salsa and rice, and a small dessert (2 shot glasses of 2 different kinds of mousse...chocolate mint and peanut butter cup...yummy!). I thought about salmon pasta but decided I didn't need the cream sauce. I also have been getting back to drinking lots of water at work, have cut my coffee consumption down to one cup in the morning, and am packing healthy lunches (frozen Lean Cuisine grilled chicken and veggies as opposed to frozen Stouffer's fried chicken strips, or even better something I made myself).

Maybe I'll get faster if I'm not carrying extra weight. =)

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