Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Run with Holly 1/19/08

Paid the drop-in rate of $7 to run at the local gym. Started out too fast as usual - set the treadmill for a 12-minute mile and was struggling by halfway through the second mile. I ended up turning it down to about a 14.5-minute mile until the last mile, which I bumped up again because I was ready to be done.

Both Holly and I agreed that we would never have made it through the whole 4 miles by ourselves...we probably would have stopped at 2.5 or 3 miles and thought "well, that's further than the last time I ran...good enough." But we both finished, and it felt really good to have done it.

4 miles, 57 minutes. =)

I was supposed to run last night but was a couch potato instead...but I'll definitely run tonight. Don't want to fall too far behind the training schedule.

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