Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Training Run 3-26-08

Spring is threatening to be here. =)

I ran 5 miles tonight, the 4-mile hilly route from the house to Bechtle, then the mile down to the Valero station. I'm fighting a cough again, so when at the intersection at the 1-mile point I had to stop and wait for the traffic light to change, I decided to just give myself permission to take short (under 1 minute) walking/stretching/breathing breaks after each mile. I also kind of wanted to see what it would do to my time, since it's highly possible I'll have to use this method (for a more formal walk/run method, see Jeff Galloway's training programs at during the half-marathon.

The breaks were nice, especially the one at the 4-mile let me gather myself for the final mile and gear up for having to run past the house and not go in. =)

It was a good night...5 miles in 58:33. Approximately an 11:45 mile. Not too bad to be able to maintain it for 5 miles...will be even better to be able to maintain it (or something close to it) for 13.1.

I'm 32 on Friday. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are doing great. I'm proud of you. love, Mom