Saturday, March 22, 2008

Run with Holly 3-21-08

Due to Easter weekend, Holly and I decided to do our long run Friday night instead of trying to fit it into the weekend. She'd mapped out an 8-mile route, and then driven over to my house. Things were going really well until about the 4-mile mark, when I tripped over an uneven square in the sidewalk and fell. I scraped my knee (and made a hole in my pants) and one palm, but I felt OK after walking for a little while. I also knew that although Holly would have been totally OK with stopping if I felt like I needed to, it would bug both of us not to finish the long run.

So, we finished the 8 miles...and even including the falling and walking...


We rewarded ourselves with a stop at a convenience store for a big bottle of water.

Some things are worth the pain...even if it means wearing opaque pantyhose for Easter Sunday. =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a long run......
Can't wait to see your opaques!!!