Thursday, March 6, 2008

Training Run 3-6-08

Clearly I should let Holly kick my butt more often. =)

I added a little bit to my familiar 2-mile neighborhood course and did it twice, to make the 4.5 for tonight. I didn't feel like adding 0.5 to the hilly route...I don't like that route when it's windy or when it's dark, because there's no sidewalk for most of it.

It seemed a little chilly to go out in just capri sweats and a long-sleeved T-shirt, so I wore my fleece jacket. Too much. I ended up ditching the jacket at 2.25 miles as I passed the front porch. Admittedly, this made the last 1.25 miles pretty cold, but it was motivating...I tried to turn it on a little (to get home faster).

At some point Andrew fiddled with my sports watch and set it to beep on the hour. I knew I went out at about 7:30, and somewhere in the third mile the hour beep went off. I thought, "no way...I can't have gotten this far in 1/2 hour..." Then in the last mile when I was cold and wanted to go home, I tried to concentrate on increasing my foot turnover and keeping my form efficient. I thought of the metal shape shifter guy in the Terminator movies and how he a machine. I tried to run like that.

4.5 miles. 42:57. Per mile pace of 9:30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOTHING is impossible. =)

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