Monday, October 29, 2007

Training Run 10-28-07

I seem to be training lately by skipping short runs and just doing the long weekend run...I don't recommend this. =)

It's possible that walking around with the kids on Saturday night for trick-or-treat might count as cross-training however...

Anyway, another good long run, 5 miles in 1:00:38, or just over a 12 minute pace. I'm going to try to do some short runs this week, fitting them around my new grad school schedule (

My legs feel fine, just tired, but my shoulders are sore. And I definitely need more sleep. That's the only thing about a long run right before a working Monday...

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Training Run 10-22-07

Really needed to get my run in tonight, as it was scheduled to be one of the long ones...but the weather map showed a big green blob. So I put on a hat to keep the rain out of my eyes, and went anyway.

It was kind of fun, splashing through puddles...and I didn't get hot, or winded...and all the walkers with curious dogs were inside. =)

4.5 miles, 54:52. A good pace, just over 12 minutes, and a new distance PR...which felt really good, as if I could have kept going.

Now I need to do a load of wash. =)

Monday, October 22, 2007

Training Run 10-20-07

Out of town visiting my parents, and I still haven't calibrated my I ran for 25 minutes and figured that it would be approximately 2 miles given my current training pace.

I forgot how hilly their neighborhood is... =)

Still it felt good to keep to my schedule even though I was out of town. The hills worked my mental endurance as well as was one of those runs where I wanted to stop but kept telling myself "you CAN run this far, no problem".

Also, no soreness or stiffness in legs and feet after running, despite the hills and the unfamiliar course, which was REALLY good.

3 weeks to race day...I need to do my long run tonight as I decided to watch football and the kids instead of running yesterday. =)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Training Run 10-18-07

The right foot has been sore the last few days, plus I had meetings at church on Tuesday and Wednesday, so I took a couple days off. I knew I should have iced it after my run Monday, but I was tired and ate and went to bed instead. Gotta listen to that voice in my head...sometimes...

I decided to run two easy miles and extend it out to three if I felt up to it. I am pleased with my increased "easy" pace for me now is 12-13 minute used to be more like 15-16 minute mile. I did make it through the 3 miles, but they were definitely slow...40:21. I iced my foot for about 10 minutes when I got back, which helped a lot.

I figure I'll do a short out-and-back on Saturday when I'm out of town (I'll run for about 25 minutes and figure that it will be approximately 2 miles), then do my scheduled Sunday long run as usual. Hopefully that will get me back on track for Nov. 11.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Training Run 10-15-07

This was supposed to be yesterday's run, but I overslept yesterday morning and then felt sort of queasy the rest of the I decided not to push it.

I felt really guilty today though, and I know I need to get these long runs in to prepare for the 10K. So when I got home from work, I changed directly into my running clothes as a mental push to get myself out the door. Had dinner and helped the kids with homework a little, then sneaked out once the baby was into something and didn't notice.

Tripped on the sidewalk of these days that's really going to hurt. My right knee and right foot bothered me most of the run, but it wasn't reaching the level of pain, so I decided to keep going. At the end of mile 1 I was at 12:25, and I ended up covering the 4 miles in 51:09 so I was basically able to maintain the pace. My right foot is definitely knotted up now, but I have a good couple hours to rest and ice it before going to bed.

4 weeks to go...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Training Run 10-11-07

2 miles tonight. The shorter run of the week, which seems to be becoming my speed run...or at least the run that I push a little harder.

It's officially was chilly enough during my run that I didn't get sweaty until the last half mile. I wore a shirt with 3/4 sleeves and capri-length sweats...they have my husband's high school logo on them and are the first pair of sweats I've ever worn with words on the butt! The cold definitely encourages me to get moving and keep moving, though...the faster I run the sooner I can go back inside. =)

My right foot is a little sore, but I also tripped rather spectacularly over the edge of a driveway and didn't fall...not the cause of the soreness. I did have an adrenaline rush afterward thinking of how much it would have hurt if I had fallen.

22:26 for 2 miles. =)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Training Run 10-9-07

3 miles tonight, wasn't sure how to do it but ended up running my new 2 mile loop followed by 2 loops of my old 1/2 mile loop. Held a pretty quick pace and finished in 34:45. It was a nice cool evening, but my mouth got really dry...I've been used to breathing in more humid air.

Short post tonight, it's been a busy week already and my legs and my brain are tired.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Training Run 10-7-07

My first long run in preparation for the 10K...I was nervous about being able to complete it because even though I started running at 9 pm tonight, it was still pretty hot.

I've been feeling burned out on my usual 1/2 mile loop, so even though it's a little hillier, I decided on a different route that is most of the way to the kids' school...1 mile out, 1 mile back. Tonight's run was 4 miles, so it would be 2 loops...I figured that way it would be longer so it wouldn't be so mind-numbing, but short enough that I could see the end of the loop in sight.

I loved it...even though it was hot, I was able to maintain just over a 12 1/2 minute pace comfortably, even through the hills. My total time for the 4 miles was 50:37, and I finished up feeling REALLY good, like I could have run another couple miles. I feel much more confident about training for the 10K now.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Training Run 10-4-07

Going shopping for a bike tonight (and for oil for the stationary bike in the house), so I decided to get my run in before dinner. I'm definitely not used to it still being so warm when I run...but I guess it's a good challenge.

I decided to run tonight's 2 miles fairly fast for a training run, and make it a little bit of a speed workout. I walked for 60 seconds at the 1-mile point, but still finished the 2 miles in 25:05. It felt good when I was done, but during the actual running it was definitely a mind-over-matter thing. I kept telling myself "this difficulty is all in your head, you can run this distance at this pace"...but it was sheer will for the last 1/2 mile. It was probably a good thing I passed some people talking in a parked car...I made myself keep running till I knew they couldn't see me, and then I only had about 200 yards left to go.

The games we play with ourselves...

I also think I'm getting close to needing a new pair of running shoes...I read somewhere that if the outer midsole starts to look worn, it probably means that the inner structure of the shoe has also started to break down. I'm not feeling a lot of cushioning...though I'm currently running in Asics Duomax, so they're lightweight to begin with. They're starting to feel like there's not a lot between me and the sidewalk, however. I think I may choose a slightly sturdier shoe next time, since I'm now keeping up a fairly consistent running schedule and am going to be steadily increasing distance.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Training Run 10-2-07

First day running after race day, so I didn't push the pace. I'm starting my training for the November 11 10K using a training plan by Hal Higdon (10K novice plan at Only, since I have 6 weeks, and it's an 8 week plan, I'm starting on week 3. Someday I'll actually start a training plan at week 1...

2.5 miles tonight, 34:06, a little over a 13 1/2 minute pace. Easily sustainable, a good training pace for me for my "long runs" to gradually start adding distance. I find that adding distance also increases my fitness, and then my pace seems to improve on its own.

Anyone in the central Ohio area have a women's bike for sale? I'm looking to cross-train...